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Duo creates CBC exams digital tool to assist teachers

Darasa app was adopted in Kenyan schools when schools were closed due to the emerging Covid 19 pandemic.
Co-founders of the Firm are delighted to have been able to develop a product that is well embraced by the market.

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in schools in 2020, Chris Kamande and Brian Gacari co-developed a digital product to support continuity of learning.
The above learning content is in the Darasa app product which would consist of animated videos on different topics and areas, live Life and Career talks as well as live classes from teachers from some of the leading schools in the country.
We could not have hoped or prayed for the innovation at a better time because the outbreak of Covid-19 required the restriction of movement, which in turn ensured that students were able to follow through with their learning.

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